This short, powerful 2-word combination flew by in a short video interview with story-telling guru Bernatte Jiwa.
"If you had to pick one challenge to work on to make the world a better place - what would it be?"
"Radical empathy," she said.
I jotted it down because it seemed significant.
In the meantime, we've continued to hone and focus our own Big Picture Brand.ing brand.
"A Customer-Centric Approach" has been a core theme of our brand and design since the beginning. This approach is key-and-critical. Successful development of any new company, software, website or design that is intended for a customer MUST be done with that customer firmly in view and fully in focus.
In web and software design, this science is called "UX," or "user experience." How does the user experience our website or app? Is it fun, easy, pleasant, intuitive? How can we measure that and continue to build and expand in a way to continually provides an optimal and ideal experience for our customer?
Look at those questions again.
In the UX world, answering those qeustions involves a great deal of research and observation, questions and interaction.
But overall and ideally, they involve empathy.
Putting ourselves in their shoes to understand their interaction - in this case, in the development of a website or app.
How much more, then for a brand?
A brand is a big, complex, multi-faceted living thing that's the heart-and-soul of your business.
Developing your brand means understanding yourself deeply.
It also involves understanding your customer even more deeply.
Aligning your brand with your customer's needs, hopes, desire, wants and needs is the key to a brand's success.
Getting to that point – and maintaining it – requires radical empathy, our new phrase for a "customer-centric approach."